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Season of Giving

Posted on 12-08-2014

It's that beautiful time of year when we think of others and give to those we love as well as show appreciation to the people and communities that are a part of our lives. High Voltage is a Christian company, and we recognize the blessings our company receives. That is why it has been important for us to give back to a charity we feel is needed in our community. Safe Haven of Tarrant County works tirelessly to bring awareness of domestic abuse to the Dallas/Fort Worth area. They provide shelter for those escaping abusive situations, and receiving donations of money, clothing, and everyday necessities are vital for Safe Haven to continue. We will continue to support this charity as God continues to bless and grow High Voltage.

If you would like to donate to Safe Haven of Tarrant County, you can visit their website at and see how you can get involved. Santa's Gift Sack, a toy and gift drive, will be held from December 12 - 20. Also, men are being called to join the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes on December 13 at 9:00 a.m. in Arlington, TX.

We encourage you to use what resources you can (money, time, etc.) to give back. It brings the Spirit of Christmas alive at a time when feeling stressed and overwhelmed threatens to steal the joy we are meant to experience this time of year.

God Bless!

Did You Know?

Electricity travels 186,000 miles per second. If you could travel that fast, you could go around the world 8 times in the same time it takes to turn on a light switch.

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