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Holiday Electrical Safety

Posted on 12-21-2015

It's the most wonderful time of the year with homes all aglow, but don't get into the habit of keeping those holiday lights beaming around the clock putting your family and home at risk.  Here are some helpful tips to follow to reduce the risk of fire hazards during the holidays.


  1. Do not connect more than three strings of incandescent lights.  More than three could trip a fuse and also be a fire hazard.  Make sure your strands of lights and other electrical decorations have the UL certification label, otherwise, do not use them.

  2. Check all wires on decorations and ornaments for fraying or damage to avoid shock and potential fires.  And, always unplug decorations before replacing bulbs or parts.

  3. Avoid overloading electrical outlets.  An outlet that is overloaded is one of the main reasons for fires during the holidays.  Plug in one high-watt appliance per outlet.  Have a plan before decorating in accordance with locations of outlets.

  4. Protect your cords.  Electrical cords should never be pinched by furniture, shut in windows or doors or hung with nails or staples.  Avoid placing cords under rugs or other flammable materials.

  5. Be sure to unplug, extinguish and switch off all lights and decorations before bedtime, when leaving the house and especially unplug everything if leaving for an extended time.  Half of all fire related deaths occur between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.

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High Voltage is a Life Changers partner with Family Links in Pittsburgh, PA. Family Links helps individuals and families who are struggling with mental health issues, addictions, behavioral problems and helps these diverse families gain their independence.

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